Electro-Artist operates on the belief that the most coherent designs spring from one mind that has knowledge in many related fields. This approach works best on either small projects that can be accomplished in short time frames or large projects that are allowed to come to fruition over time without a prediction of completion date. The pace of development today does not often allow the latter. Since most projects are too large to accomplish by one person in the allotted time and do depend on many disciplines, the norm has been to operate with engineering teams comprised of individual specialists.
The team approach has enabled the execution very complex projects and must be credited for much of today’s progress. This is appropriate for large projects but overkill for small. In contrast the Renaissance artist/engineers were competent in many fields, incorporating a variety of talents. Renaissance engineering is experiencing a resurgence in engineering schools but has yet to be evident in working professionals.
Electro-Artist believes in the Renaissance approach to creation and is here to provide support for projects that are too small to approach with a team of people but still require a broad base of knowledge and capabilities.