Consulting and creation

Electro-Mechanical solutions


Technical problem solving with artistic craftsmanship.


With resources ranging from precision lathe and mill work to delicate assembly of surface mount electronic components all facets of electronic and mechanical prototype construction are supported in one location. 

Fresh ideas for your project

Real time monitoring of existing systems


As the world becomes warmer and water becomes more precious it is more important than ever to conserve. Systems to record water usage can spotlight otherwise unseen issues.


This is just one of many possibilities for improving existing systems to better understand resource usage.

Prototype construction


Do you have a concept but need help with a working prototype? Electro-Artist can create working assemblies to test your ideas.

The last 10%


Is your electrical, electronic or mechanical project 90% complete but still missing a critical part that can't easily be purchased. Electro-Artist can help find that critical part or modify parts that are available to complete your project.

Failure analysis and mitigation


Is your system or product plagued by a recurring or unexplained failure that is difficult to resolve? Looking for answers to difficult to understand technical issues is a specialty. 

Connect to discuss your needs